in what ways can biographical accounts carried out over time and set against the wider backdrop of ethnographic research produce more nuanced accounts of issues related to leprosy

Regarding the Staples article, in what ways can biographical accounts carried out over time and set against the wider backdrop of ethnographic research produce more nuanced accounts of issues related to leprosy, as well as more useful information from a policy perspective? What were the more nuanced readings of the leprosy-related stigma that were achieved using Staples’ approach? According to Daher, what facilitates the rise of health stigmas in cultures? How does Daher propose stigmas related to cancer can be combatted? In his TED talk, how does Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman propose that the stigma barrier can be broken and how would it result in better treatment for millions of individuals? Watch the two ted talks Culture Care: Addressing Disease Stigma and Bias Through Culture | Part 1
Cultural bias and stigma associated with cancer | Niyati Tamaskar | TEDxBloomington

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