In this project, you are going to set up a fictitious business of your own and t

In this project, you are going to set up a fictitious business of your own and take the perspective of the Chief Executive Officer to reflect on the dimensions of business ethics/corporate social responsibility (CSR) of your company. More specifically, you will:
1) Briefly describe your company (your industry, your main product and/or services, the scope and size of your operations).
Please consider my fictitious business, an international trading company.
2) Discuss the range of ethical/CSR issues and unique challenges that your company faces.
3) Identify your company’s stakeholders and their varying interests.
4) Discuss how your company goes about managing ethical issues, CSR activities, and stakeholder interests in practice. Please provide
examples for each to illustrate your points.
5) Create a short position statement for the management of your company outlining your overall CSR strategy. What types of activities
fall within your CSR strategy and what types of activities are excluded? Why?
6) Discuss the potential implications (positive or negative) of your approach.
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