In this journal assignment, think about each of the research articles you found

In this journal assignment, think about each of the research articles you found for the Project Prep assignment in Module One. (You will later add to this research for Milestone Two.) Why do you think the researcher in each of your articles decided to use the methodology they chose? What about the research question might imply that this methodology is best? Note that you have research on the same research topic that represents all three types of methodologies, so you may wish to consider the effectiveness of the other methodologies in your assessment of the one chosen for each research study.
Relationship Between Methodology and Question:
Explain the relationship between the methodology used and the research question that was asked.
Evaluation of Methodology Selection:
How successful was this methodology choice for answering the research question asked?
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Explain the relationship between the methodology used and the research question.
Evaluate the success of the methodology selected for answering each research question.
Guidelines for Submission: This assignment must be 150–300 words in length, and include references cited in APA format.
See the attached Powerpoint that shows what articles were selected, you will need those for this assignment

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