In this FYP project, will consider the design of a stair climbing trolley for ma

In this FYP project, will consider the design of a stair climbing trolley for manual load transfer. The process of design and analysis will include Computer aided modelling, Stress simulation and as well as material selection.
Keywords: Stair climbing trolley, Numerical stress Simulation, 3D Computer aided design
Actually, can add in the motor to support the trolley for climbing. So need 11000 words, geometry diagram, graft or chart, references (Harvard ), gantt chart, task descriptions are compulsory and Ansys simulation the load on the climbing wheel.
I need progressive delivery to me every 2 weeks time. The most important is can’t copy it online cause need to submit it to Turnitin to check the similarly.
The document should be 11,000 words long, excluding title page, abstract, contents pages, references, bibliography and appendices.
Title Page
List of Figures (optional)
List of Tables (optional)
Glossary of Terms (optional)
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Literature Search/Review/State of the Art
Chapter 3. Experimental/Design Concepts/ Methodology/Analysis
Chapter 4. Results/Design (Embodiment)/Model
Chapter 5. Discussion
Chapter 6. Suggestions for Further work
Chapter 7. Conclusions
The date must complete before end of May 2022, if early also no problem

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