In this discussion post please reflect on the scenario with Aisha’s Family from

In this discussion post please reflect on the scenario with Aisha’s Family from you reading.
How did Ms. Jayla use a strengths-based approach in her conversations with Samuel and Ana?
Can you identify one or more of the following Strengths-based Attitudes,( with examples from the reading) she used in her discussions?
All families have strengths.
Families are the first and most important teachers of their children.
Families are our partners with a critical role in their children’s development.
Families have expertise about their child and their family.
Families’ contributions are important and valuable.
What other strategies did Ms. Jayla use to build a relationship with Samuel and Ana?
If you were in Ms. Jayla’s role, how would you approach these discussions about feeding with the family?
How do you approach potential differences in home and program feeding practices in your child care setting?
Using a strengths-based approach, how would you build on these conversations as Aisha gets older?

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