In the US (or a different country of interest to you!), is there differential pa

In the US (or a different country of interest to you!), is there differential participation in this domain at the expert levels by demographic factors (gender, race/ethnicity, family income, region)? For example, is it dominated by men, members of a particular religion, people who grew up in a certain socio-economic group, members of a particular race/ethnicity in ways that do not mirror the general population numbers? Pick one demographic dimension that shows unequal access to your selected domain of expertise. What kinds of factors have led to this differential participation by this demographic dimension? One or two key factors is enough to include (even though there are likely many). In particular, argue whether this is a story of natural talent differences or systemic biases (i.e., people unable to gain access despite having sufficient talent). Give research evidence.
– Unequal participation
Pick just one demographic dimension unless there is some huge intersectional aspect to that demographic dimension (e.g., it is not so much that men are disproportionally represented at the expert level, but it only White men in particular that are disproportionally represented).
It will be easiest to find info by gender and race/ethnicity, but others are possible!
Note that this is comparing base rates in the general US population to base rates in the expert population (e.g., women make up 51% but only 36% of active physicians).
Causes of unequal participation
Some possible places of bias to consider, but definitely not the only ones that are possible: unequal exposure to career options; stereotype threat effects during high stakes testing; societal messaging about acceptability of career options; unequal access to relevant coursework; toxic environments in degree programs; toxic environments within career; secondary effects of school to prison pipeline; unequal childcare / family care responsibilities
Support your claims with research evidence.
Can you please add a picture that explain what you wrote please

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