In teams, you will present a case study and/or research towards a cross-border c

In teams, you will present a case study and/or research towards a cross-border collaborative business plan for financial services and/or solutions. Be creative – for example, you may research existing companies and add innovative layers or components that create a new, informed service and/or solution that applies to both countries, or you may have a company (real or imaginary) that exists in both countries and must accomplish similar business goals, or you may have two independent companies (real or imaginary) where each is in different countries but must work together towards a common goal. The service and/or solution may live under any industry, but it must revolve around or include a financial focus. Therefore, you may explore such topics as “blockchain for banking,” crypto, NFTs, FinTech, DeFi, etc. Again, please be creative, but be accurate – you do not need to be experts or have all the answers but please back up the information and ideas that you do decide to share with cited research. The goal here is to learn more about collaborative and cross-border opportunities involving blockchain in compliance with existing country regulations. PLEASE DO THE RESEARCH ON THE COMPANY NAMED “NEO”. It is a China company. I have uploaded the parts done by my teammate. Continue from were it leftover.

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