“Impact of diversity, equity & inclusion and social justice throughout tourism system:

Current Events Discussions (20%)
To help broaden knowledge of emerging issues in international tourism, you will be asked to find an article from an industry magazine/media source or a scholarly publication that relates to the themes we are discussing: “Impact of diversity, equity & inclusion and social justice throughout tourism system:
**Diverse travelers-women, travel safety, LGBTQ travel safety, disabled, neuro-diverse travelers
**Cultural institutions, attractions”
You may also find a current event in another emerging issue that you are interested in subject to approval.
For your presentation, please include:
1. Name of article; publication; author and a brief synopsis of article with top 3 findings (should not exceed 30-60 seconds)
2. Why you chose this piece and how it relates to the current theme
3. Your reflections on this issue
4. The implications for tourism
5. ONE discussion question for the class relating to this subject
You will present this in approximately five minutes at the beginning of class as an informal, oral discussion. I encourage you to create a presentation (even a very rudimentary one) to help you keep focused and on time.
Be sure to find something you’re passionate about and that you think will help you in your current or future career. This is a good opportunity to surface issues of interest and get the feedback of your co-learners to help you better grasp the issue.

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