Identify common stereotypes about your field. What are they? Do they involve people working in the field? People who professionals interact with?

Identify common stereotypes about your field. What are they? Do they involve people working in the field? People who professionals interact with? Choose ONE stereotype and identify both the cause of that stereotype and the effects that the stereotype can have on the people who it is applied to. You will then write an essay where you summarize and outline both the causes and effects (using sources for evidence and support), AND where you analyze why those stereotypes exist, why they are problematic, and why they may have unintended consequences for individuals and your profession.
Cause and effect examinations ask us to think critically about why something happened, and what that effect means for the continued development of other things. If we are incorporating critical examination and analysis into our skill set, then we need to think about how events and actions are interconnected.
What is a cause & effect:
A cause and effect essay asks you to do one of two things:
Consider the cause of an action, explain what its potential effects are, and examine why it is important to consider those effects; OR
Consider an effect or outcome, explain what potential causes for that outcome were, and examine why those causes were likely responsible.
Regardless, this essay will challenge you to think critically about a topic, incorporate some research, and provide your interpretation and judgment on what you’ve found.
What Can Be Used:
You will identify common stereotypes from your field. These can be about professionals, about people who professionals interact with, or about perceptions of the field itself. In the end, you are choosing ONE stereotype and writing your essay about it. You will also need to incorporate AT LEAST TWO (2) SOURCES to supplement your points with evidence.
Your final draft should be THREE (3) to FOUR (4) FULL PAGES. Failure to turn in a final draft of at least two pages will result in losing at least half the points for this assignment.
At a minimum, your paper needs to satisfy the following criteria. However, the grade is based not just on whether a feature is present or not, but on how well it has been integrated into your paper. The cause & effect essay should show the following:
Thoughtful and perceptive treatment of topic; original approach; scope sufficiently focused
Purpose is clear (educate, entertain, persuade) and consistent. The “So what?” question is answered
Clear sense of audience & attention to audience’s needs. Introduction engages audience’s interest.
Content is fully developed, relevant, and substantial
Details are carefully chosen and specific.
Focuses on a precise, interesting and insightful point, question, or narrative theme that guides development and organization
Follows a logical arrangement for this material appropriately organized into paragraphs.
The relationship among ideas is clear; coherent; transitional devices used to guide the reader.
Expression is clear and concise. Good choices in use of dialogue, details, visuals
Vocabulary is precise, vivid and appropriate word choice
Conventions/Correctness: Writing is free from sentence-level errors and word choice errors
Consistency in typography, headings.
Minimum Requirements:
–A typed final draft of at least THREE (3) pages
–MLA essay format: double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, page numbers, and title and header on first page

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