Identify a Christian friend or family member (a spouse if you have one) with who

Identify a Christian friend or family member (a spouse if you have one) with whom you can share the material from the course for at least 30 minutes this week. Use the following outline:
Tell them what the course is covering this week
Ask (and discuss) at least the following four questions:
1. How should Christians think or feel about the Holy Spirit?
2. What do you think it means when the Bible says we are to “walk by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16)?
3. What are your thoughts about spiritual gifts?
4. How central is the Holy Spirit (or should the Holy Spirit be) to the Christian experience?
Write up the conversation (at least 700 words) and also finish at least one of the following statements:
The conversation this week helped me clarify …
The conversation this week left me wondering …
The conversation this week surprised me because …
Make sure your paper conforms to the Written Guidelines in the syllabus and uses proper APA formatting, including title page, in-text citations, and reference list if appropriate (abstract not required). See Student Resources for APA helps.

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