I would like you to perform a S.W.O.T. Analysis on Full 90. Full 90 is a soccer

I would like you to perform a S.W.O.T. Analysis on Full 90. Full 90 is a soccer head gear company. Please review the companies website. www.full90.com Think about the head gear from different views (parents, athletes, society) Think about and answer these questions.
1. What is your view of the company and its mission?
2. If you would have children involved in the sport would you have them wear the head gear?
3. As an athlete do you feel this would benefit you or be looked down upon due to society view of the wearng a head band in soccer?
4. Where can you find this product? is it easy to purchase. (stores, online etc..)
5. What do you feel are the strengths of the company? why
6. what do you feel are the weaknesses of the company? why
7. do you feel there are opportunities for this company? why
8. does this company have threats from other companies? why
9. If you were involved with marketing of this product, what are three big ideas you would have to grow this company?
10. If you went to youth / high school organizations and marketed this product. Do you feel organizations would require them to be worn to protect children?
11. if more parents new about this product do you think they would have their child wear them? Is the product affordable? Cost / benefit is it worth it.

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