I have to write an essay in APA style analytical. It has to have a thesis with t

I have to write an essay in APA style analytical.
It has to have a thesis with the pros and cons over organic vs non organic foods.
Make a list of examples from the texts that you want to use to illustrate the main point of your essay. Look back over your list from #2. Choose examples that support your attitude. Write these examples below. Also, write any new examples that support your thesis. Be sure your examples are relevant and specific. If an example is from a source, be sure to notate which source.
it has to have everything she put numbered included in the writing in essay form
6. Decide how you will organize your essay. Write your choice below.
7. Organize your list of examples in some logical arrangement based on your decision in #6. It can be based on side of issue or emphatic. Group the examples below in the arrangement that you have chosen.
8. You are now ready to begin writing the essay. You should present both sides of the issue. Use one of the templates from They Say/ I Say. Be sure to include your thesis; it should be the last sentence in your introduction.
9. Now move into the body. Remember to use transitional words to connect paragraphs and ideas and to introduce examples. Use your list of examples to illustrate the thesis. Throughout the essay, follow one method for organization of your body paragraphs (i.e. one example per body paragraph or several examples per body paragraph).
10. Once you have completed your body, write the conclusion. Reemphasize the main point/purpose of the essay. Move from general to specific.
Ok this one is better this is everything the essay has to include it has to be about organic foods vs non organic

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