I attached a document named “FULL INSTRUCTIONS AND RESOURCES” which has every bi

I attached a document named “FULL INSTRUCTIONS AND RESOURCES” which has every bit of instruction and every resource the course has given(actually they only let me add 5 things so I can send the remaining content in messages if accepted, they are just short videos the professor provided). In short, the assignment is this: CSC 130 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Final Project 250 Points Complete a single screen game “level” using Data Structures / Algorithms The purpose of this project is to test that you can apply the knowledge learned in this course while actually coding something interesting in Java. You will be using the Gaming API I gave you (which you used to complete the Checkpoint assignments). Follow the steps / specifications below for credit. Steps: Set up a project in Eclipse (or whatever IDE you use) and create a main package for your code files. Your project MUST contain some type of package structure. Download and install the Gaming API to the project using the instructional video you used to complete Checkpoint #1. Read the assignment specifications below and do everything mentioned if you wish to receive full credit. I will deduct points for parts that are not implemented (or not done correctly.) Your program must run without errors or warnings for full credit. Specifications This project has two “layers” of requirements: one is algorithms and the other is data structures. Each has point value in your final grade on this project. Algorithms Your project must DO the following (behavior, algorithms): Be a single screen “game” level (no scrolling) Have a character that moves in all four(4) directions (up, down, left, right) Character must have animation equal to that in Checkpoint #3 for EACH direction! The edges of the screen must be wall images that visually contain the “room” These images must have bounding box collision detection to prevent the player from walking through them There must be at least two (2) items inside of the “level” that can be examined when nearby and facing the object. Examining is done by looking at the item nearby and pressing the space bar Your program must display a description of the item examined when a user inspects it Your program must be free of errors, crashes, or warnings for credit Data Structures Your project must fulfill the minimum Data Structure requirements: Use at least one of the following Java Collections: ArrayList, Stack, or Queue for image data Create a custom data type for the bounding box collision object (single bounding box with behavior) Have a container that holds a collection of bounding boxes neatly Submission Zip up a copy of your entire project from and submit via Canvas by the due date. Only .zip files will be accepted!

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