I am writing a letter of appeal to my school as I have been dismissed due to my

I am writing a letter of appeal to my school as I have been dismissed due to my poor academic grades. I went through a terrible break up this semester and my grades went down which is why I am being dismissed. I would like to include that I am seeing help and I am back on track with my academics. I went into a relationship thinking it would enhance my life in medical school as we are far away from home and family but it did not work out and it hit me terribly. I lost focus on my studies and really am regretful for going into a dark place like I was but I am better and seeking help at the moment which has worked wonders for me. I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, and my mental health is very important. I was always scared to seek help or ask for help but now I am strong and have realized that I must seek help if I need it, specially as I in the medical field. I would like to get a second chance because this is my dream. I came into Ross University with a goal, which is to graduate as a doctor and be able to help others. Unfortunately I fell into a dark place and I am learning to be ok with that. My biggest concern now is to get back into medical school and I am working with a therapist to lead me through this path so I don’t fall into the place I was in before.

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