Review the articl
Review the article in the link provided and respond to the following:
What is your tendency? Do you respond to negative thoughts in negative ways? Do you dwell on challenges/problems, or do you seek to solve them? Provide examples
When positive things happen, do you embrace the positive and use it as a buffer in bad times? Provide examples.
Reflect on something you have achieved in your life. What do you remember most about the this? Who was involved, how did you feel along the way and at the end. Perhaps your sports team won a championship or you performed at a recital etc. This can be something simple, but should be an example of achievement and what it took to reach a goal.
Try the exercise mentioned in the exercise at the end of the article. Examine a problem or challenge that may be occurring in your life. Determine the type of problem and then apply the exercise as described.
Did you feel clarity, peace, hope (other positive emotion)? What other outcomes did you experience?

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