Holocaust Survivor Narratives This paper will be an extended version of the two

Holocaust Survivor
This paper will be an extended version of the two primary
source analyses you have done for the course.
Following the completition of Schindler’s List, director Steven
Spielberg decided to establish a foundation to transcribe Holocaust survivor
stories. He helped to establish the
Shoah Foundation to do exactly this. Please explore the site and gain as much
information as you can. http://sfi.usc.edu. On the website there are also
testimonials from those who have survived other genocides, particularly in
Rwanda. You are allowed to select an
individual from that database. If you
have any questions please let me know.
Your paper will be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced,
12-New Times Roman. It will be cited in
Chicago/Turabian Style, a link on blackboard will help you to use this
What exactly is the Document?
Who wrote it?
When was it written?
What is its purpose?
What is the perspective of the author?
What problems might we have interpreting this
What does the document tell us about its subject?
About the society from which it sprang? About the author?
What does the entries tell us about War and Personal
What is the historical significance of this project?
This is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syle0exrJSE&t=3655s

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