Hello, This is for financial analysis essay with concrete problems to solve. N

This is for financial analysis essay with concrete problems to solve. Note: The template with my notes will be attached once order was accepted.
Concepts to discuss: are in the prepared template. Please follow the template and already written essay closely and do not change much.
– I have drafted my thoughts in bullet points and have provided a partial list of references (in line with text)
– There are red font color headlines and sub headlines, please use those as guidance for the analysis essay, the questions are guidance for the discussion and should be changed from questions to sub-headlines
==> You must come up with corresponding headlines for each.
– Must use references in the doc, but also research more, for a total of 10 – 15.
– Essay needs to have maximum 3,300 words, if it is longer, I’ll shorten it. But please try to be within word count.
– References must be recent from 2017 or later AND use the one from within my template. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
References could be from Google Scholar/Researchgate, MIT Management review, Fast Company, Inc.com, Forbes, Harvard Business review, or other articles on scholar.google.com
Please make sure that everything makes sense, it links back to the theories and frameworks/tools provided in the references and financial ratios already used in the essay.
Please ask me anything about the content or points I’d like to make, or if anything is unclear just message me. Again, I provided already most of the essay, the TASK is truly to edit and write coherent sentences that make sense and format it in a way that is easy to read.
DO NOT: Include any filler sentences that don’t have anything to do with the subject or with REFLECTING about a recent financial business decision.
It is super important that there is no plagiarism found. This is for hiqh quality work, grammar, style needs to make sense.
This is for 3,000 words max. Please make use of all the references provided at least once and are Harvard style.
I need super high quality content, so need good research time to read material, etc. for me quality is of importance. I do have many more essays to write, so please keep that in mind, if you do provide great quality, I will approach you again and again and I do give bonus for quality work.

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