Hello, hope everything is well. I just need a 500+ word summary with the require

Hello, hope everything is well. I just need a 500+ word summary with the requirements needed below for each of the two articles I uploaded on files. In those files, there is also a template on how the paper should be formatted.
These articles describe empirical research conducted in the field of psychology in
the past year. They have been published in peer-reviewed
• You will have to read the article and write a summary of it.
• In order to earn the credit, your summary MUST include the following
• Word count generated by the word processing program
• a complete reference to the summarized article in APA format
• a brief description in your own words including:
-the purpose of the research (what theory or hypothesis was tested)
-the basic procedure used to test the theory or hypothesis
-what was found
-what the findings mean for the theory or hypothesis
-other related issues, i.e., how society might use these findings, or what
additional research seems appropriate]
Please let me know if there are any questions regarding the assignment.
Thank you for your time.

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