Hello. For this assignment, we need to submit a final project proposal for my da

Hello. For this assignment, we need to submit a final project proposal for my data analysis class that uses the language R studio. These are the instructions from the professor:
“The final project incorporates both a paper (5000 words max) and a video-recorded presentation (5 minutes). Both are due on the last day of final exam period. The project should employ at least one of the methodological tools covered in class to answer a social science question of substantive interest using data assembled by the student. Students should submit a one-paragraph descriiption of the final project and data to be used by the instructor by the end of Fall Break. The proposal should describe the substantive question of interest, a (very) preliminary research design, and discuss the sources of data.”
This class is an introductory course to R studio, and I will be attaching the syllabus for you to get a better understanding of how introductory it is. I need you to come up with a topic, research design, and sources of data for my final project. Make it as simple as possible for the professor not to think that I know much more than I should. Additionally, I can link lecture scriipts that we have taken so far if you believe that would be helpful.
Moreover, as I am assigning you to do the final project proposal, I will assign you later to actually do the project since you will be coming up with the project idea. So it’s more of a two-part assignment.

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