Health Promotion Canada partnered with the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) to host a series of webinars.

Assignment # 2: Webinar viewing and reflection
Format: 1 page (single-spaced)
Health Promotion Canada partnered with the National
Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) to
host a series of webinars. For this
assignment, you are required to view the recording of a webinar called
Promising practices in Indigenous Community Health Promotion led by Dr.
Charlotte Loppie. After viewing this
21-minute webinar, please write a reflection on what you have
learned. Here are a few questions to
guide you:
What is the closest Indigenous community to you? What are the challenges to social
determinants of health that you believe this community faces at this time?
Why is cultural context relevant in relation to health promotion?
How might you use the promising practices discussed by Dr. Loppie in
your health promotion work? Please
provide examples of practices that you would use that are decolonizing.
What is your understanding of promoting equity in health promotion with
this population?
Webinar Link:

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