Gospel Communication Project: Application of CQ and Grand Narrative Paper Assign

Communication Project: Application of CQ and Grand Narrative Paper Assignment
The Gospel Communication Project allows you to
apply the principles of Cultural Intelligence to a specific cross-cultural
evangelistic encounter. As a cumulative project throughout the course (through
2 papers and a video presentation), you will research cultural elements which
will affect a person’s understanding of the gospel message, create a plan for
communicating effectively with a person from a specific culture, and present
the story of God through video as you would if you were able to share the
gospel with that person. This project will allow you to practice
evaluating a person’s culture, determining the best ways to communicate with
them, and adjusting your communication to be most effective. Also, as you craft
a story of the grand narrative you will gain a deeper understanding of the
story of God and gain confidence in sharing the gospel with others.
In this paper, you will build on what you
learned about your friend’s culture in your Gospel Communication Elements of
Culture Paper. You will synthesize the information and apply the four CQ
Capabilities to prepare for your interaction where you will share the story of
God with your friend. Finally, you will outline your Gospel Presentation.
Writing Your Application
of CQ and Grand Narrative Paper
For the second part of your Gospel Communication
Project, you will write a formal academic paper in which you will use the CQ
capabilities to plan for your gospel presentation and outline the story of the
Grand Narrative.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
· 4-8 pages in
· Divided into 3 clearly
labeled sections.
· Include at least 1
citation from the course materials in each section.
· Formatted in a
formal academic style. Note: You may choose the academic style that is most
closely related to your major degree program (MLA, APA, Turabian, etc.). If you
do not know which to choose, format your paper in Turabian style. A properly
formatted formal academic paper will include a cover sheet, citations (in-text
parenthetical citations or footnotes), a bibliography or works cited page, and
headings/subheadings. The introduction and Application of CQ sections of the
paper should be written in paragraphs. The Grand Narrative section should be a
bulleted outline.
· Double-spaced and
in a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) and standard size (10 or 12 pt.)
· You should submit 1
document for your Application of CQ and Grand Narrative Paper. This document
should include BOTH the application of CQ section and the Grand Narrative
Outline. The document SHOULD NOT include your elements of culture paper that
you previously submitted.
Content of Your
Application of CQ and Grand Narrative Paper
Begin your paper by writing at least one paragraph
that summarizes the content of the elements of culture paper. Remind the reader
who your friend is, and share key findings about their cultural systems,
cultural value orientations, and elements of communication that will impact the
way you communicate the gospel to them.
Application of CQ
In this section, you will use the 4 CQ
capabilities to think through the best way to interact with your friend and
share God’s story with them. In your paper, subheadings should identify
each of the 4 CQ capabilities, and you should write at least 1 paragraph for
each capability.
CQ Drive: What is
motivating you to effectively share God’s story with your friend?
CQ Knowledge: Discuss
how you will use your knowledge of your friend’s cultural value orientations,
cultural systems, and elements of communication to share the gospel effectively
with your friend. (Which of their cultural value orientations should you
keep in mind as you try to communicate with them?)
CQ Strategy: Discuss
how you will craft your story to meet your friend where they are. (Are there
any themes or threads found throughout the Grand Narrative that you may use to
focus your presentation which would most speak to your friend according to
their culture and worldview? What part of the Grand Narrative do you think they
will relate to most based on what you know about their cultural systems and
cultural value orientations?)
CQ Action: How might
you need to adjust your communication, your approach to the conversation, and
your language or tone in order to best communicate the gospel message?
Outline of God’s
Prepare to share the Gospel by outlining
the Story of God you would share. As we have discussed the Grand Narrative of
scripture, we have covered many different topics and stories from the Bible,
but there are several key elements which must be included in your story. Here
is a list of what should be included in your story. You will notice that
these points have been organized around the major sections as outline in God’s
Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. Your outline should include all of the
subpoints (Creation, Fall/Sin, Covenant with Abraham, etc.).
The Pattern of the
The Perished
Fall/ Sin
The Promised
Covenant with Abraham
Covenant with David
The Partial
The Prophesied
The message of the
The Present Kingdom
Virgin Birth
Incarnation and Deity
(fully God-fully man)
Jesus’ Life (person
and ministry)
Jesus’ Death
The Proclaimed
The Holy Spirit
The Church
The Perfected Kingdom
Christ’s Return
Our Response to the
section should be a bulleted list of each of the elements above. For
each element, you should write 2-4 sentences summarizing the element and
describing how you would present that part of the story to your friend. You
should also include scripture references in parenthesis for each element that
you present. While you do not need to recite the scripture as you tell the
story (and you don’t even need to quote the entire scripture in your paper), we
want to see that you know where in the Bible to point someone to if the
opportunity were to arise. In your outline, you should list enough content to
show that you know what each element is about, how it connects to the bigger
picture of the grand narrative, and the best way to share the story. Also, you
should keep in mind any themes or threads that you identified in your CQ
Strategy section above. Make sure that those themes are included in your
outline as you walk through each of the essential elements of the story. You’ll
use this outline to share your story on video in the final part of the Gospel
Communication Project.

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