Go to Chapter 1 of your textbook, and read the JP Morgan Case Study on page 18.

Go to Chapter 1 of your textbook, and read the JP Morgan Case Study on page 18. Once you are finished reading it, use the
CSU library’s resources to find a different case study where a business or industry was subject to a cyber attack. Ensure
that you search for scholarly articles. Then, write a three-page paper using APA style with at least two references. Be sure
to include a title page and reference page. These do not count in total page count.
Your paper must accomplish the items below:
Explain cybersecurity, and relate it to the case study you found.
Explain cyberterrorism, and relate it to the case study you found.
Explain cybercrime, and relate it to the case study you found.
Analyze the overall result and impact that the attack had on customers or stakeholders. If the case study does not
specify this, then offer your own analyses on how you assume the customers or stakeholders were affected by the
Interpret how the business or industry recovered from the attack. If this is not specified, elaborate on how you believe the
business or industry would recover from the attack.
Explain the long-term consequences that the business or industry suffered. If this is not specified, speculate on what you
believe the long-term consequences would be.
Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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