*Formulate a clinical question that you will investigate and write about! It sho

*Formulate a clinical question that you will investigate and write about! It should be a topic of interest to you, a question or problem you’ve encountered in the clinical setting that warrants further investigation, a proposed change to nursing intervention, or simply a patient experience that poses a question/problem.* Utilizing a PICO style question formulated from this, you will evaluate the evidence and make conclusions as to how this will impact your nursing practice. This will be done using the process in the outline below: Situation: Your clinical question Provide a brief summary of the problem explaining the context/background of a clinical question for which you would like to look into. Explain how you ran into this question and why you want to investigate this particular problem (i.e., was there a specific patient encounter that led to this?). AND Create a PICO question based on elements from the above situation to define your search/literature review. What is the specific question you have that you hope to answer? Background: Your literature review Complete a brief review of the literature to provide relevant background data as it relates to your clinical question (include at least 5 relevant scholarly resources that speak to your clinical question with an accurately cited reference page formatted in APA style). Assessment: Your interpretation of the information Synthesize the information you’ve gathered into a pertinent summary that communicates important and relevant information that will form the foundation for your conclusions/recommendations. Recommendations: Your conclusions to ensure evidence-based/best practice intervention Based on the evidence, a clinical decision must be made. Formulate an opinion based on the above (your literature review and assessment) and communicate your conclusions (e.g., what intervention/etc. would be the best course of action related to your clinical question to ensure your nursing practice is evidence-based?) Reflection: Reflect on this process overall (e.g., How did this process go for you? Was it hard? Easy? Quick? Time-consuming? How can you improve in this to more efficiently incorporate this into your busy clinical practice? What do you need to improve on? What did you struggle with? What did you feel confident with?). Reflect on anything that came up for you during this assignment. 1) Submission should be a minimum of 5 pages in length **(including title/cover and reference pages)** ****2) Submission should include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources published within the previous 5 years***** APA format 7th edition

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