For your final paper, you should research a topic of interest broadly related to

For your final paper, you should research a topic of interest broadly related to the morality of markets. For example, you might be interested in the market in a certain good (like sex, organs, or Big Data) which concerns you. You may choose any issue within this broad ethical discussion.
The paper should have a clear thesis statement, an introduction, a central set of arguments in favor of your thesis, and a conclusion. The paper must be double-spaced, and at least 1000 words long. Remember, any content that you did not create yourself must be cited fully. You may use any citation format that you like, as long as you are consistent. The paper should be uploaded to dropbox in .pdf or .docx format.
Note: this assignment also contains a ‘self-review.’ To complete this portion of the assignment, you must review your paper (according to each section of the rubric) and clearly discuss how your paper fully meets each element of the rubric. This ‘self review’ should be included as the last page in the paper.
*Word count: 5% will be deducted for every 100 words short of the minimum word count. For example, a paper between 900-999 words will lose 5% from the overall grade, a paper between 800-899 words will lose 10% from the overall grade, and so forth.

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