For this project, select a firm Fortune 2000 (AstraZeneca). Submit case, 6 page

For this project, select a firm Fortune 2000 (AstraZeneca). Submit case, 6 pages maximum, and submit a summary to class with a recommendation to invest or seek employment.
Please see an example of what is expected attached. Papers that minimise large paragraphs and use tables, graphs, images etc will earn more points!!!
You must conduct a strategic analysis using the following format:
Section 1: Problem/opportunity statement and situation analysis.
Section 2: Solution statement – Alternatives, their evaluation, and justification for selected solution. Recommendations must be for the next five years.
Section 3: Financial Analysis – must include a statement of overall financial health and apparent trajectory.
Specific paper format requirements:
The narrative (Sections 1-3) of your document must not exceed 6 pages. Entire document must not exceed 20 pages, exclusive of cover page and table of contents.
You may include appendices of supporting documents and analysis, such as a Porter’s 5 Forces of Competition Analysis, Generic Strategies Map, Value Chain Analysis, SWOT, McKinsey Matrix, Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Ratio analysis, financial ratio tables, income statements, balance sheets etc. Every item used in the appendices must be referenced in the narrative.
Font used must be at least 10 points.
All margins are to be set at 1 inch.
APA style is preferred.
Prepare the report for presentation to upper management and Board of Directors, or to potential investors. Reports that maximize information with a minimum of large paragraphs will earn the highest scores.
The written portion is worth 270 points. Points will be awarded based on the comprehensiveness of evaluation, quality of analysis and recommendations, and how well you have followed instructions. See rubric for point distribution.
Submit your APA formatted paper, maximum 20 pages

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