For this assignment, you will consider the different student needs and supportin

For this assignment, you will consider the different student needs and supporting student services across different modalities in higher education. You will also consider how an institution ensures that students have access to the same or similar student success services across modalities (online, hybrid, face-to-face, and multiple campus locations). To prepare for this assignment, brainstorm a list of student needs for each modality, then prioritize the list and identify the most important student need for each modality (online, hybrid, face-to-face, and multi-campus). Then, identify what student services address that most important need you identified. You do not have to include this thinking work in your assignment. Next, address the following prompts in an essay. Justify for each of the four modalities why you prioritized that student need as the most important and how the student services you identified would successfully meet that student’s need. You will have a total of four justifications – one for each modality. Select two of the four modalities (online, hybrid, face-to-face, and multi-campus) in which you are most interested. Describe similarities and differences in challenges related to the provision of higher education student services across the two modalities you chose. While you are welcome to summarize your description in a table or matrix, you will also need to describe the details in narrative form (full sentences and paragraphs). Select one of the challenges you described and explain how you might address that challenge to ensure the equitable provision of student services regardless of modality. Using headings within your essay to distinguish different sections and subsections; for a refresher about headings in an essay, check out the Headings resource listed in this week’s resources. Remember to include in your essay an introduction, conclusion, and reference list for your citations. Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pages References: Minimum of 5 scholarly sources.

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