For this assignment, you will choose one case study to analyze from the Human De

For this assignment, you will choose one case study to analyze from the Human Development Case Studies media piece. If you haven’t done so, view the piece from last week’s Prepare study and choose your case study.
Part of your assignment requires you to use scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles to support your claims. You will need at least three sources for this assignment. Be sure to choose at least one resource that supports your theory and at least two resources that will help you explain how the research supports your claims.
You may use one of the following articles as one of your scholarly sources. You will need to find one other scholarly article to provide the additional information you will need about research on the topic.
Psychology professionals such as caseworkers and therapists often think in terms of human development when assessing problems that individuals, couples, or families bring to them. Caseworkers, therapists, or other psychology professionals may take notes to document the situation and make interpretations and recommendations. This assignment will give you the opportunity to apply developmental theories in a hypothetical clinical setting while imagining yourself in one of these roles.
This week you explored the Human Development Case Studies multimedia piece. For this assignment, choose the Emilio or Brenda case study from the Human Development Case Studies multimedia for analysis.
Imagine that you are a caseworker or any other psychology professional gathering information from your client (Brenda or Emilio). Based on the information presented, consider the developmental challenges the person is facing. Then, identify at least two developmental theories (attachment, cognitive development, moral development, psychosocial development, et cetera), and apply the theories to understand the person in the scenario.
While it is impossible to fully understand the person in the scenario based on the limited information provided, some developmental theories can provide context and offer a possible framework for understanding the person’s attitudes and behaviors.
Using the scenario and theories you selected, complete the Human Development Worksheet by addressing the following:
Give a brief overview of the chosen scenario in your own words.
Describe the stage or stages of each theory that are most applicable to the current phase of life of the person discussed in the case study. Describe in some detail the stage of life according to the theory. (For example, in Erikson’s psychosocial development theory a four-year-old child is in the stage of “initiative versus guilt.”)
Explain how the theory helps one to understand their development and situation.
Search for at least two scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles that provide research about the concerns faced by the person in the chosen case study. You may also use one of the supplied articles.
Describe how the research from the articles applies to the person in the scenario you selected.
Apply the theories to describe how they help us to better understand this particular person in this phase of life based on the concerns and their impact on the person’s well-being.
I choose Emilio Case. Here is details of the case study and below the case, I have added a scholarly review are that should be used.
Case Study 1
Emilio is an 18-year-old senior in high school. It is the end of the school year, and after feeling excited to graduate most of this past year, lately, he is not sure he is ready to leave high school. He has been feeling more irritable than usual and has been especially grouchy with his family. Everything his parents tell him annoys him.
He misses his girlfriend, who recently broke up with him. He is supposed to be leaving for college in August, but he is feeling nervous about it. Before, he was convinced he wanted to go into engineering, but now he is not so sure. He feels pressure to go to college, but right now all he wants to do is stay in the area and get a job and an apartment so he can hang out with his friends who are not going away to college.
Sometimes he is so frustrated he feels the urge to break things. A few days ago when no one else was home, he punched the doorframe of his bedroom.
Rogers, A. A., Updegraff, K. A., Iida, M., Dishion, T. J., Doane, L. D., Corbin, W. C., Van Lenten, S. A., & Ha, T. (2018). Trajectories of positive and negative affect across the transition to college: The role of daily interactions with parents and friends. Developmental Psychology, 54(11), 2181–2192.

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