For the Final Project, you will have an opportunity to develop an organization f

For the Final Project, you will have an opportunity to develop an organization from the grassroots level (from scratch). This is YOUR OWN organization that you create. You may develop your organization according to your wishes, but it must be developed in accordance to the theories and research results in I/O psychology. PLEASE USE YOUR BOOK AND YOUR LECTURE NOTES IN YOUR MODULES AS A GUIDE IN YOUR WORK. For each of the following heading areas, please comprehensively describe your company. For each of the areas, please describe WHY you made your choices. Please label your Final Project with the following headings and provide about two single spaced paragraphs under each heading. Enjoy.
Strategic Action Plan for the Development of _____________ (the name of your organization or company) Under this heading, please do the following: please give your company a name, identify the good or service produced, describe your customers, and how you will get them, and develop three major goals you want to achieve long-term, explaining how you are going to achieve them.
Then, provide two single spaced paragraphs under EACH of the following headings:
Organizational Structure (What type did you choose and why will it work to optimally sell your good or service?)
Leadership Plan (Which style did you choose and why is this ideal for your particular company?)
Recruitment Plan (Specifically HOW will you get your employees and WHY will you use these techniques?)
Motivation Plan (What theory of motivation will you apply to retain productive employees and keep morale up with high levels of worker satisfaction?)
Production Plan (How specifically step by step will you go about to produce the good or provide the service?)
Communication Plan (How exactly and by what type of infrastructure will your employees communicate? Why did you choose this?)
Evaluation Plan (How will you evaluate the success of your company, good or service?)
Anticipated Challenges(Describe three major challenges you anticipate as your company grows and develops.)
Anticipated Responses to Challenges (Describe your PLANNED responses to each of the three anticipated challenges.)
Industrial and Organizational Psychology by Ronald Riggio ISBN: 9781138655324

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