For first 2 two page read “article one”. Follow the format mentioned typed, dou

For first 2 two page read “article one”.
Follow the format mentioned typed, double-spaced notes in twelve-point Times New Roman font.
1. Identify the main thesis/argument of the article.
2. In about 250 words, summarize the article.
3. List and define 5 (five) relevant terms and/or concepts.
4. Critically evaluate the reading/s (in about 250 words).
Please have all these 1-4 numbered.
For last two page read “article two”.
Follow the format mentioned typed, double-spaced notes in twelve-point Times New Roman font.
1. Identify the main thesis/argument of the article.
2. In about 250 words, summarize the article.
3. List and define 5 (five) relevant terms and/or concepts.
4. Critically evaluate the reading/s (in about 250 words).
Please have all these 5-8 numbered.

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