Follow guidelines from previous writing assignments (750-1000words–you may exce

Follow guidelines from previous writing assignments (750-1000words–you may exceed word limit if doing so is necessary for your argument; 12-font; double space body; include a title;heading on top left-hand corner of first page only, in single space; include textual evidence.)
Write an essay answering one of the following prompts:
1. Imagine a friend who is not in our class asks you to explain Kant’s categorical imperative. Explain the concept. A good answer would include a discussion of the difference between hypothetical and absolute commands, and a discussion of how we can know whether our principles are universalizable or not.
2. Explain Colin Koopman’s Perfectionist Pragmatist ethics. A good essay would explain what Koopman takes from utilitarianism and deontology and what it adds that is different from these two theories.
3. Compare and contrast Kant’s and Nietzsche’s views on promises and promise-making. Briefly explain what each thinker has to say about the role of promises in ethics/morality.
Additional questions to help you structure your essay: Do they agree on the importance of promises? Why or why not? Are they in favor of promise-making? Why or why not?

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