FIRST SECTION: Covid and Education.  – This section is a paragraph that does a s

FIRST SECTION: Covid and Education. 
– This section is a paragraph that does a short analysis of the variable with the label “To what extent have you had to change or modify your educational plan due to COVID-19?” which we can call CEP   Describe student responses on this variable.  Here is an example that you can use to help you write your desсrіption.   Example: One hundred and thirty-four (n=134) students were asked, on a scale of 1 to 7,  if they had to change their educational plans due to the Covid-19 pandemic.   The mean answer was close to 5 points indicating that many students answered at the higher end of this 1-7 scale. The median was 5 and the mode was 7.   Clearly, most students had to change their educational plans. This indicates a negatively skewed distribution (see graph) and shows that many in this group had to make substantial changes to their educational plans because of Covid.   In fact, combining students who answered either “6” or “7” we can see that 44.8% of this group changed their educational plans a great deal because of the pandemic.  
SECOND SECTION: Covid and Stress: 
– Write two short paragraphs on Covid and Stress.  First describe the connection between physical health and stress and then mental health and stress as presented in the data output desсrіptives (mean, medians, modes, s.d.)  Things to think about when writing this section.  Things to address: Were there any differences in mean stress between mental and physical health?  What is the overall picture? Were students stressed out by Covid and did they believe this stress impacted their health?  Use your own interpretations of the data to reflect on what these numbers mean.
Please provide the tables the relate to sections.

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