FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS INSTRUCTIONS Follow the attached instructions exact

Follow the attached instructions exactly
Using an Excel spreadsheet* and
your company’s financial statements, compute the following for the most recent two years·
Current ratio (2,13)
Working capital (not really
a ratio) (2, 13)
Inventory turnover ratio
(6, 13)
Accounts Receivable
turnover ratio (8, 13)
Debt to total assets
ratio (2, 13)
Return on assets (9,13)
Asset turnover ratio (9,
Return on equity (11, 13)
Gross profit ratio (5, 13)
Profit margin ratio (5, 13)
Also using the spreadsheet,
prepare the following for the most
recent two years:
Comparative Income
Statement – Vertical Analysis
(Illustration 13.12)
Comparative Balance Sheet –
Horizontal Analysis
(Illustration 13.11)
industry comparative numbers on the MSN Money website ( for the following items calculated in # 2 above:
Current Ratio
Inventory Turnover
Return on Assets
Asset Turnover
Return on Equity
Profit Margin (Net Profit
See specific instructions on “Industry
Comparative Ratios” in the Project Folder. The industry comparative
numbers should be the most recent available.
. Using the
information gathered and calculated above, write up an analysis of your
company. Begin with a brief history of the company to help the reader
understand the company. Next include a discussion of the company’s financial
performance as seen through ratios and other calculations, whether favorable or
unfavorable. The analysis should also give a conclusion on how the
company has performed in the past and what its future looks
The analysis is to be
written by you, not copied from a professional analyst’s work. When
writing up the analysis, refer back to the ratios and other calculations above
to support your conclusions. The data should be analyzed from two
different perspectives: across time and across companies (industry
data). Be sure to explain what the calculations mean. The analysis
should be done in a professional manner (typed, double-spaced, 1” margins,
10-12 font, proper grammar, appendices, cover page, graphs, references, etc.).
The written portion of the paper should be about 2-5 pages.

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