Final Research Paper ENC 1101 – Professor Carylanne Joubert Maier The final rese

Final Research Paper
ENC 1101 – Professor Carylanne Joubert Maier
The final research paper will be on any topic of your choice as long as it is for the purpose of informing, no argumentation, and it must have a works cited page (not included in word
count). You should use the strategies discussed in class this semester, including mixing your patterns as well, using compare and contrast and narrative for example, one pattern for each paragraph. You must have 4-6 sources documented on a works cited page. Check the checklist below.
1000 – 1200 words (not including MLA information or works cited page)
MLA format
An MLA formatted Work(s) Cited page with citations in hanging indent, alphabetical order, and 8th edition format
4-6 sources documented, three must be from the library resources (books or articles or videos etc), and the other 1-3 can be from outside the library sources, but YOU MUST evaluate the sources.
In-text citations of sources indicating where research is used, paraphrases, and proper quotations (no more than 25% of your paper should be quotes).
A clear thesis statement, supported with evidence and your textual support
Evidence of careful revision and editing – including reviewing for any of the words on the “Banned Word List”

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