“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) Discussion Board

“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34) Discussion Board Reflection and Peer Engagement Attending the Lenten practice of praying the Stations of the Cross, author Kerry Weber realizes how she has just been going through the motions. When she catches herself, she exclaims: “I realize that, too often, I am not actually listening to the words I am singing or saying. We sing, ‘Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom.’ I think about my sister’s monologue, and the criminals crucified beside Christ, and the choice that we all have to be the kind of people who ask for forgiveness or who refuse to do so.” (80) To be the kind of people to ask for forgiveness is this week’s theme. You will examine certain icons of the love of God and discuss how their responses exemplify the theological dimension of forgiveness. 1. View the videos from the TH120: Forgiveness YouTube playlist. 2. Responses should address the following questions: a. Define forgiveness. b. What makes these video examples opportunities to learn the theological meaning of forgiveness? How do the victims’ actions exemplify this deeper meaning? c. Why is forgiveness difficult to give, to do, to practice? What may challenge you about forgiveness? d. How does forgiveness apply to Mercy in the City? Use specific examples from the text and be sure to explain how these examples illustrate the theological meaning as well as the difficulties in forgiving others. Responses should be 400-600 words in length. Any citations used must be presented using the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) formatting and style guide. I will send links to everything after

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