FACIAL RECOGNITION EXPERIMENT 20 males and 20 females were asked to complete a f

20 males and 20 females were asked to complete a facial recognition experiment.
The exercise consisted of 10 facial recognition activities. In each activity, a grouping of faces briefly appeared. The next screen showed a single face that may or may not have been present in the group. The participant had to press a button to say whether or not the face appeared in the group. The buttons were yes or no. At the end of the exercise, a score was provided for the amount of correct answers.
Write a short lab report about the experiment as if you were the researcher who conducted the experiment (2-3 pages) in APA Style consisting of an Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, and References.
– describes relevant information from the provided reference and has a clearly stated hypothesis
– well written with appropriate grammar, tense, and sentence structure
– information presented clearly and concisely
– completely describes three elements of a methods section (participants, materials, and design/procedure including a descriiption of the statistics used and test conducted)
– appropriate grammar, tense, and sentence structure used
descriiptions are clear and include all appropriate details (including the appropriate citation for where the test can be found)
– Attached is the data to use for your Mini Lab: this is the number of correct responses from each of the male and female participants.
– Do not include the raw data in your paper- Create a bar graph to show the data instead of the table
– Create a table and/or bell curve to show a summary of your statistical results i.e. show the mean, median, range, standard deviation, standard error, t-value, p-value, z-value.
– describes data and main finding(s) in sufficient detail
– The table or figure effectively to represents exact values and main effect
states results of descriiptive and inferential statistics (including significance levels)
– provides overview of results
– interprets results in light of the reference described in the introduction
– restates hypothesis and includes conclusion(s) supported by the results
– discusses the implications of the findings
– discusses future research directions
References and APA Format
– no APA formatting errors throughout the report
– References listed correctly in APA format on separate references page at end of report
– correct use of in-text citations
Number of correct answers of facial recognition experiment for each participant
See attachment with table

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