Evaluation Proposal Design an evaluation for a program of your choice based on y

Evaluation Proposal Design an evaluation for a program of your choice based on your interests. Your evaluation design should be of a sufficient detail that an external reviewer will fully understand why and how you will implement the proposed evaluation. The proposal will be uploaded in Canvas and will go through Turnitin. Example proposals are provided in a folder on Canvas under Modules. The proposal should include the following: Background: General program information, participants, activities, and goals. The purpose of the evaluation: Generally describe the goals of the evaluation and include the approach you will employ. Include formative and summative aspects of the evaluation as well as the approach or combination thereof you will employ. Evaluation questions: List 3-5 questions that will guide your evaluation. Description of how you plan to interact with or involve the stakeholders. Describe your design –you must employ a mixed-method design, i.e., include quantitative and qualitative components. Data sources: existing and original Data collection methods and participants Instruments: develop at least one of your instruments (e.g., brief survey, interview protocol, observation schedule) Administration procedures including time/frequency of data collection Plans for data analysis and examples of expected results Include a chart that summarizes your evaluation plan (see Canvas folder and pages 355-357 for examples). Rationale for your design Discussion: Include a description of potential barriers that may impact the implementation of the evaluation and how you intend the evaluation to be used. Include examples of how you would present the data/information. Format: 15 page minimum (excluding title page and evaluation plan worksheet), typed, doubled spaced, in a 12 point font, and with one-inch margins. I will attached my proposal Power Point that outlines the things I have chosen and many examples. It is basically done for you/me.

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