Essay Question for All Students Who Select This Option: In a coherent, detailed,

Essay Question for All Students Who Select This Option:
In a coherent, detailed, persuasive analytical essay citing specific passages in the novel, assess whether Fyodor Dostoevsky’s innovative use of the “polyphonic” structure for his last novel, The Brothers Karamazov, facilitated or hindered his presentation of these three “antinomies” or “meta-themes” in the novel:
1. Human freedom vs. human happiness
2. Good vs. evil
3. Universal forgiveness vs. non-forgiveness
Be sure to focus on how Dostoevsky expressed his personal religious views (i.e., Russian Orthodox Christianity) through the setting, major characters, plot, and the three “meta-themes” above in this polyphonic novel.
[Specific Instructions: Your essay must be no fewer than 5 full pages and no more than 6 pages in length and must abide by the formatting requirements at the top of p.7 of the revised course syllabus. In addition, include page numbers, use only one side of each sheet of paper, include in single-spacing at the top left of the first page only your name, the date of your essay, and a one-line title for your essay (try to be creative!). Begin the body of your double-spaced essay on the second line after the heading at the top left of the first page.

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