Educators of Beauty schools are located in the state of Illinois. Currently thei

Educators of Beauty schools are located in the state of Illinois. Currently their biggest threat is the possibility of delicensing the profession in the state of Illinois. Recently an Illinois lawmaker has proposed legislation that would eliminate license for barbers, and stylists in the state. as of March 2020, the legislation was before the rules committee. This would allow individuals to render a services in Illinois without training. This is a threat to the school now and will directly affect their future business. If the bill is passed there will be no need for cosmetology schools in the state of Illinois. This would leave them the option of closing or finding a need or method of continuing to provide skills and training to individuals such as beauticians, estheticians, barbers and nail technicians. Business could continue to operate if they can promote training while still managing to generate a revenue by charging for training, maintaining a training salon that renders beauty services while training or teaching new techniques and skills, and continuing to provide product sales to the public.
The company could become more of a training style facility that collaborates with experienced and skilled individuals providing employment opportunities and beauty service experiences to the public. Continuing to educate and certify these individuals in the beauty industry and building confidence and professional working habits among the industry could be a way to fight the delicensing threats. They would provide the state with successfully employed tax paying citizens of the state. This would contribute to the industry concerns of the profession not having accounted for returns on student loans and the threat of delicensing the profession. (Grey, B. 2020).
Bishop, Grey.(March 4, 2020) Bill Would Allow Barbers, others to Practice Without A State License. 2020.
Koladner, M., Butrymowitcz, S. (December 26, 2018). A $21000 Cosmetology School Debt, and a $9-an-hour Job. The New York Times. The New York Times Company.
Carter, C. (March 5, 2020). Illinois House Bill Would Eliminate Licensing For Barber and Cosmetologists. Received from WANDTV.COM.

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