Ecommerce can be defined as using the Internet and the web to transact business.

Ecommerce can be defined as using the Internet and the web to transact business. Global business to consumer ecommerce has surpassed $4 trillion dollars in sales. Needless to say, ecommerce is revolutionizing the way we do business. One of the key benefits of ecommerce is that it extends reach into markets that would not have been previously accessible.
The following video details how a local post office in a remote area of Oklahoma, and a local town that it serves, were transformed through the power of ecommerce:
Rural post offices transformed by ecommerce
Watch the videos and answer these questions (include at least 2 references):
(Note: Post length must exceed 650 words exclusive of references)
1) What shopping options did the town residents have prior to the availability of ecommerce?
2) What advantage does shopping online offer to rural communities?
3) How is ecommerce transforming small remote towns like Mangum, Oklahoma?
4) What impact did Magnum’s ecommerce uptick have on carriers such as UPS, Fedex, and the local post office?
5) The video posted under the week 9 additional materials section highlights the use of in-store technology to compete with online sales. Does this strategy make sense for some retailers given that overall bricks and mortar sales have been declining? Discuss.
6) By doing a search of the Internet or by other research methods, find an example of a company that utilizes ecommerce in their business model. Discuss in detail how ecommerce has helped the company to improve their business and stay competitive.

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