Each student will implement a single-subject project that includes: Chapter 1: I

Each student will implement a single-subject project that includes:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature Review of literature on Interventions Implications for Current Research
Chapter 3: Methods – Participants –Settings -Materials & Equipment -Measurement Techniques -Dependent Variables-Measurement Procedure -Inter-observer Reliability -Independent Variable -Experimental Design
Chapter 4: Results -Baseline Data (minimum of five days)
Chapter 5: Analysis of Baseline Data and Implementation Schedule for Intervention
Reference APA Style (American Psychological Association Manual) Appendices Graph – Hypothetical Data (reflects the experimental design chosen for Chapter 3) Examples of Observer Recording Sheet
You must first choose a topic and gather appropriate journal articles. A minimum of five journal articles (articles must be less than 10 years old), must be referenced in your paper.
Under the methods section, you must include participants and settings, materials and equipment, measurement techniques, an independent variable, and an experimental design.
You will collect at least five days of baseline data. You must follow the APA guidelines as you cite references in your paper and use 12-point font size and Times New Roman font style.
I included the Project Scoring Summary and Target Student Information.
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