Each participant should select one topic from the enclosed list of subjects. The

Each participant should select one topic from the enclosed list of subjects. The participant
will research the topic and prepare a typed paper, maximum of seven (7) double spaced pages (not
including (a) page(s) for endnotes), using 12-point font.
The participant is expected to use four or more outside sources (try to
avoid using Wikipedia, and never cite Wikipedia as a source), at least three of which are Law
Review/Journal articles found on Nexis-Un
My professor has a specific citation style, but I would like the links, books, journals, etc.
Antitrust questions
Environmental laws
Products and Service Liability
Professional malpractice
Conflicts of interest
Business judgment rule
Criminal liability of executives
Section 404 – internal controls
White-collar crime
Defense Industry Initiative
Codes of Ethics
Employee Privacy
Insider Trading
Federal Sentencing Guidelines
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Civil Rights Act of 1991
Patterns and practices of discrimination
Religious accommodation
Sex discrimination
Glass ceilings
Family Medical Leave Act
Sexual harassment
Affirmative action and reverse discrimination
Seniority systems
Civil rights act of 1866
Age discrimination
Handicap discrimination – Americans with
Disabilities Act
Documentation of disciplinary actions (paper
Limitations to “At Will” employment
It’s just 7 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, and 4 or more references. I can choose one sample from the list provided and would like this ASAP if possible.

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