During your career as a teacher, you will be responsible for creating, implement

During your career as a teacher, you will be responsible for creating, implementing and drawing conclusions from many different types of assessments. To provide you with practice creating different types of assessments, you will complete the assessment creation project. As a part of this project you will select three different pieces of curricular content to be assessed including learning standards/learning objectives. These should be NYS learning standards. For each standard you select, you will identify, select, adapt, or create one pre-and post-assessment tools (they will likely be the same instrument) that could be used to assess student learning of that standard. You should consider using different assessment tools for each different standard (performance assessments, selected responses, written responses, oral assessments etc). After you create each pre/post assessment, provide a 500 (or more) word explanation about why this assessment method is appropriate for determining student knowledge before/after a lesson. How would you be able to tell what students understand by using this assessment measure? You should submit your project to Canvas by the date outlined in the assignment schedule by 11:59 PM. The grading rubric and template for formatting expectations can be found on Canvas under “files”. No late projects will be accepted without prior permission from the instructor.
Please see attached template

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