During this semester, you’ll write one paper on a topic in cryptology. Basic F

During this semester, you’ll write one paper on a topic in cryptology.
Basic Format: The paper should be about 12 pages long including references and any tables, charts, or diagrams. The paper should be well-organized with an appropriate title, section, and sub-section headers; such headers help the reader follow the basic flow of your paper. The paper should be in single-column format. Per the course syllabus, preparation is 50% of the paper’s grade.
Technical Material: The paper should focus on the technical aspects of your topic. Historical material is useful for setting the context and providing the background that explains the evolution of ideas, but it should be limited. Per the course syllabus, technical understanding is the other 50% of the paper’s grade.
References: As much as possible, you should strive to use original sources: papers, books, and websites. Wikipedia is a potentially valuable resource for basic material and pointers to other sources; however, it is an encyclopedia of sorts and should not be the primary reference for your material. All references should be listed in the same format; again, I have provided the ACM Guide [1] as one possible way to do this. The ACM guide is just one example you can follow. The MLA Style Guide is another possible source for format guidelines.
All direct quotes and figures should have references; with the preferred method being a bracketed pointer to the source. Likewise, paraphrasing ideas must also be referenced. In other words, if it’s not your idea, then you should cite the source.
[1] ACM Citation Style and Reference Formats (https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/reference-formatting)

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