Discussion questions (set 9: self control) • What are some example of real-world

Discussion questions (set 9: self control)
• What are some example of real-world problems associated with self control people you know have dealt with?
Discussion questions (set 10: explanation)
• What specific ways can explanation be used to
improve academic learning?
• How could you design a program to promote better
explanation skills in children?
Discussion questions (Set 11: language)
• If you were give $10 million dollars to develop a
program to improve children’s language
development, what would it look like?
Discussion question (set 12: emotions)
• What are some different ways social media might
affect aspects of emotional development?
• What are some situations in which you might feel
guilty for something you did not do or mean to do?
Discussion question (set 13: surprise)
• Why is surprise hard for children to understand?
Discussion question (set 14: morality)
• Should parents always tell children the truth?
• What factors other than cognitive skills might predict
when children learn to lie or how often they lie?
Discussion questions (set 15: Santa)
• Do you think it is good to tell children about Santa? What
are some potential benefits? negative effects?
Discussion questions (set 16: learning from others)
• How might learning from others be related to other
cognitive skills, like theory of mind?
• What about learning from others online?
Discussion questions (set 17: adolescent
• What are other ways to assess effectiveness?
• What adolescent interventions are you familiar
*please answer at least 1 question each set

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