Discussion Assignment: Emotional Labor A friend comes to you and tells you that

Discussion Assignment: Emotional Labor
A friend comes to you and tells you that the owner of her high-end retail clothing store is driving everyone crazy at work because the owner will not stop talking about politics. In fact, for most of the day, the boss keeps his favorite political news channel on in the background and brings up politics with every customer he interacts with. The boss knows all of his customers well, and most of them agree with his point of view. However, some customers—and all of the employees—do not agree with the boss, and he sometimes blows up at them if they disagree with him or state an opposing view. Your friend is now at whit’s end and has come to you for advice on how to handle this difficult situation.
Using at least **three concepts from Chapter 27 of the SAGE Handbook of Leadership, help your friend understand the emotional labor mechanisms at play in her situation and also provide at least **three recommendations to help her deal with the effects of emotional labor.
Submission Requirements
Your main post should be 500-650 words.
APA (7th edition) citations (with page numbers) and a reference page are required.
Minimum 4 citations from SAGE Handbook Chapter 27

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