Develop the format and framework for your final project. Your submission should

Develop the format and framework for
your final project.
Your submission should be a single document
which includes an outline summarizing the main topics and sub-topics of
the final project. Your summary should
contain the following topics and sub-topics below as these will be required
when organizing your final project.
Title Page
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Current Situation
Supporting Data/Analysis
Recommendation Intervention
Applicable Organizational Behavior
Do not submit your entire paper during Week 5, but rather, summarize in 1-3 paragraphs the key points you will
cover in each of the above topic and sub topic sections. (Note: The description for each of the topics and
sub-topics is found under the Week 1 Weekly Content
module, under “Review This Week’s Lecture” section, titled “Final Project
Preview” link.)
Your Outline Summary should have the following components:
Make sure your paper reflects
scholarly writing. Use APA formatted
outline summary with the inclusion of a title page and a References page.
Double space your lines, use 12 pt.
Times New Roman font, and add the above bolded lines as “section headers”
Include a minimum of 5 resources (the
resources found to complete Week 3’s Annotated Bibliography should be used
along with other outside resources)
Place in-text citations to show where
you plan to use resources to support your summary sections.

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