Develop an internal communication strategy and plan to launch this transformation effort.

Develop an internal communication strategy and plan to launch this transformation effort. You must use A&B Company as your subject. A&B Company is the fictitious company that I will be discussing in all of my lectures. The goal of the exercise is for you to experience how to construct a good communication plan to support a major change. You need to follow the communication plan template that is posted in Week 1.
The paper should contain the proper tables (illustrated in the communication plan template) and text and you need to incorporate references from the reading and my lectures to support your conclusions.
Intent of Assignment
The intent of this assignment is to illustrate your ability to construct a communication plan that could be implemented by A&B company that would result in moving the company from the current state of a hierarchical organizational culture to a innovative organizational culture. A&B Company is the organization that is the subject of my lectures. You should develop your communications plan for this company.
Fulfillment of Intent
This intent can be fulfilled by integrating the information that I have presented my lectures each week, with the readings that you have done in Schein, Kotter and Cameron & Quinn and the lululemon HBR case study (optional case study). I have provided you with a communications template in the first week of class – Complan Development Guide and Template. If you follow this template AND you add information from your readings to support your conclusions you should be successful in fulfilling the intent.
** The Communication plan example is attached
** The only information given on A&B company is attached.

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