Dears, Kindly note that I’m a master student and I need to accomplish a theses p

Kindly note that I’m a master student and I need to accomplish a theses paper for my last course enabling me to graduate.
The subject that I need to write about is ( A Techno-Economic Analysis of solar hydrogen production ),and I need to use” H2A: Hydrogen Analysis Production Models” to come up with the requested and estimated results for the cost of hydrogen production in Saudi Arabia,
We need download the H2A excel sheet for Photo electro chemical production of hydrogen, the solar thermal chemical ferrite cycle, AND future central hydrogen production for natural gas with CO2 sequestration.( Below FYR )
We need to compare between these three processes, which one is the cheapest for Saudi Arabia.
We will need to search for costs of items being placed in the capital cost section and ensure that these costs are applicable to Saudi Arabia.
I’m especially keen on finding the difference between Solar PV AND solar thermal, and then comparing that to hydrogen from natural gas.
Please note that any box in the excel sheet with an amber color means that it is a variable that you can adjust.
I need to know if you are able to use / familiar with this model and able to write about it to proceed further
I’m sorry if I wrote to many words, I just need to make sure everything is clear
Awaiting for your positive feedback ASAP

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