-Create an overview of typical organizational behaviors within the context of stakeholders while supporting the discussion with theory.

-Create an overview of typical organizational behaviors within the context of stakeholders while supporting the discussion with theory.
-Define a specific organizational setting and the types of leadership interactions that are occurring with stakeholders. Also do support your opinions with theoretical ideas.
-Describe what leadership can do within the context of theory when trying to change organizational behavior and how this would look within the specific context of the organizational setting you described.
-Discuss how a leader could develop a collaborative practice model to move the organization into a new direction.
-Paper length: 8-10 pages including the title page. APA 7th. Use: Title page – *Title on the first page of text. *Level headings for main sections. 5-7 scholarly sources within last 7 years in a reference list and cited with parenthetical citations.
-Use the book as one source:
Borkowski, N. (2021). Organizational Behavior in Health Care (4th Edition). Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
McKibben L. (2017). Conflict management: importance and implications. British journal of nursing, 26(2), 100–103. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjon.2017.26.2.100

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