Create a digital presentation on literacy development. In the presentation, you

Create a digital presentation on literacy development. In the presentation, you should explain how foundational reading skills (print concepts, phonological awareness, and phonics) are interwoven and build on student comprehension.
You should also discuss both differentiation and diversity.
Differentiated Instruction: What is differentiated instruction? How does differentiated learning improve students’ academic success? Provide examples of how to differentiate instruction for students with diverse needs (e.g., ELLs, ADD, ADHD, slow learners, students from low-socioeconomic, gifted and talented learners, students with speech and language disorders, dyslexia).
Diversity: What is diversity? Discuss how teachers promote culturally diverse and inclusive learning environments? How can diversity be integrated into phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency instruction?
Part I: Presentation
Supported with 3-5 scholarly resources
10-12 slides, not including title slide or reference slide
Should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.
Should follow APA style format (e.g., in-text citations, reference page)
Part II: Self-Reflection (Include on a slide in your presentation)
Write a 250-500 word reflection describing how your perspective of literacy instruction has changed or not since taking this course. Use examples to support your response. Your reflection should also discuss how your learning experiences will inform your practices as a classroom teacher.
Literacy Development: Demonstrates an understanding of the connection between the foundational reading skills (e.g. print concepts, phonological awareness, and phonics) and skilled reading (comprehension). ____/4
Differentiation: A detailed description of differentiation, including the definition, importance to literacy instruction and student success, and examples of implementation is included. _____/4
Diversity: A detailed description of diversity, including the definition, importance to literacy instruction and student success, and examples of implementation is included. _____/4
Self-Reflection: Reflection describes past experiences with literacy compared to this semester and how this information will inform future classroom practices. ______/4
Other: All requirements are met: supported with 3-5 scholarly resources, 10-12 slides, not including title slide or reference slide, includes graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately, and follow APA style format (e.g. in-text citations, reference page). _____/3
Presentation: The quality of the written components should meet college-level standards and should be free of mechanical errors. The word choice should reflect well-developed use of practice and content-related language. _____/1

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